Month: December 2021

Peer Review for the Final Project

I agree with your view of how PLNs have helped restaurant businesses and entertainment businesses. The paper is based on extensive research and is connected to the course content about PLNs.  It is indeed true that many businesses were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. My new thinking after reading your post is that every business needs to have digital alternatives for conducting business. This is because the risks of business shutdown are higher with the prevalence of highly infectious diseases, wars, and poor diplomatic relations. I am wondering if you watched the video that was shared on the course YouTube Channel (https://youtu.be/LgoDet6pwaI). The guest speaker Mo Amir shared so much about how to create a global PLN and how he built his career around the PLN. He also mentioned how he connects to various influencers and creates an audience for his Podcasts. Besides, you mentioned channels like YouTube and Zoom that have highly been effective for learning, promoting businesses, and entertaining. Something I am thinking is that probably businesses should revise their business models to integrate elements of PLN in their online business and communications. To conclude, I think the PLN offers valuable opportunities for our career development, either in our professions and businesses.

Final Assignment Blog

Steps to Building a Career around a PLN

This blog is about how to engage professionals through creative, informative, and attractive script on any social platform. We created an infogram to summarize important elements that we learned throughout the course.


Know who Your Audience is

Spend some time learning about your target audience’s interests and profession by conducting research.

Memorize Your Show

If your program focuses on a certain topic, you should conduct extensive research to ensure that you’re creating the most up-to-date and comprehensive content possible (Veletsianos, 2010)

Inclusive Content

Know the constraints of each group and provide advice to them on how to maximize the benefits of the scenes you produce.

Curate Content

You should undoubtedly know how to deliver whatever you share. Keep an eye on risks and share ONLY the relevant pieces (Amir, M., & Miller, 2021).

Four Important tools for a PLN professional


Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar is the foundation of every excellent content strategy. An editorial calendar aids in long-term strategic content preparation, design, and implementation for social media platforms, websites and any other PLN collateral.


Canva.com is a platform that can be used to design postas, infographics, videos, presentations, and other creative content. It has both free and paid plans that makes it available to everyone. The tool is essential for creating engaging content for a PLN.

Open shot video editor

Videos that have not been edited may be noisy, unappealing, or contain extraneous content. Open Shot Video Editor can be used to improve a video clip that has been captured. Unnecessary noise is removed, titles are added, and a transition between clips is created to assist the audience in learning more effectively.


Notion provides you with an online, collaborative workplace where you can keep track of all of your tasks and notes in one spot. This application gives your entire team a single place to come up with episode ideas, write scripts, and take notes during interviews.


Amir, M., & Miller, J. (2021). EDCI PODCAST – 2021-10-24 Mo Amir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgoDet6pwaI&ab_channel=MILLER.

Veletsianos, G. (Ed.). (2010). Emerging technologies in distance education. Athabasca University Press. https://www.aupress.ca/app/uploads/120177_99Z_Veletsianos_2010-Emerging_Technologies_in_Distance_Education.pdf

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